Let's Talk About...Hunger (are you hungry? or is it a part?)

I have a question for you:  are you hungry?  If your answer is yes, how can you tell?  If your answer is no, how you can tell?  And if your answer is, I have no idea, you're in the right place!

Not surprisingly, the topic of hunger comes up a lot with my clients.  It's hard to talk about eating and food issues without talking about hunger.  And one of the questions I hear a lot is:

Am I hungry?  Or is it a part?  How can I tell???

If this is a question that's come up for you too, then this week's podcast is right up your alley.  

Hunger can be confusing for many of us, even though it's really very simple.  Hunger is just our body's way of telling us it needs food.  Simple.  But it's become a thing.  Especially for womxn.  

Diet culture has taught us to ignore, distrust, and even fear our hunger.  How many times have you heard one of these lines:

  • You're not hungry--you're bored.

  • If you're hungry, just drink some water.

  • Be sure to eat every 2-3 hours so you never get hungry.

Advice like this just teaches you to ignore what your body is telling you.  That's essentially like ignoring your body when it tells you to sleep.  To use the bathroom.  To sneeze.  Imagine telling someone, hey--if you're thirsty, just go eat a steak.  How preposterous is that????  And yet that's the same thing as drinking water when you're hungry.  Thirst isn't hunger.  Water isn't food.

On this week's podcast, we're talking about the topic of hunger and everything that comes with.  We're discussing:

  • The difference between physical and emotional hunger (i.e. am I hungry or is this a part?) 

  • How to notice physical hunger cues

  • What may be blocking you from noticing your hunger cues, such as:

    • Never being taught to notice them

    • Chronic dieting that taught you to ignore or fear hunger

    • Trauma

    • Body hatred

  • What hunger may mean to you

We're also talking about the fact that hunger is normal!  It shouldn't be ignored or feared.  It's just your body telling you it needs fuel.  

So, if you had a hard time answering my question above, or if you have a difficult time noticing or connecting to your hunger cues, definitely take a listen!

Click below for information on my upcoming groups:

Food and Body Freedom for Therapists and Practitioners

Food and Body Freedom for Non-Therapists

Where to find me:

Therapy website (for therapists and practitioners):  drkimdaniels.com

Coaching website (for non-therapists):  yourweightisnotyourworth.com



Click below to listen!

Kimberly Daniels