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Does this sound familiar?

You’ve tried what feels like a million diets in your lifetime, and none of them worked. At least not in the long run. And you’ve blamed yourself. “I guess I didn’t try hard enough.” “I don’t have any willpower.” And you’ve felt like a failure.

But here’s the reality: diets fail 95-98% of the time. It’s not your fault that your diet didn’t work. It’s never been your fault.

Diets are a set-up for failure. Not only that, but diets can lead to such issues as binge eating, disordered eating, depression, anxiety, and negative body image. So if, while dieting, you’ve had the experience of feeling out-of-control with food, feeling horrible about your body, and bouncing between overeating and restricting, you’re not alone. These are often the results of dieting.

Which is why it’s time to quit them for good. And this course will show you how!

The course contains three video modules and a mini-workbook, all of which will help you to create your very own diet exit plan!

In just a little over an hour you’ll learn:

  • All of the reasons why diets don’t work:

    • Physical/Biological

    • Cognitive

    • Emotional

    • Social

  • Why diet culture is so toxic

  • The damage that diets can cause both physically and emotionally

  • What Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size are and how they can lead to a positive, enjoyable relationship with food

  • What specific steps to take to stop dieting for good


The Modules:

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Why Diets Don’t Work

In Module 1, we’re going to start with a brief history of diet culture—how it started and what it’s really based on (spoiler alert: racism and misogyny).  And then we’re going to talk about the numerous reasons that diets don’t work.  I break these reasons down into four categories: physical/biological, cognitive, emotional, and social.  I promise you that by the end of module one, you’ll no longer blame yourself for why diets haven’t worked for you.  You’ll see that it’s never been your fault.

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The Damage of Diets

In module 2, we’re going to talk about the damage that diets can cause. Unfortunately, diets aren’t just a benign experience for most women. They can have long-lasting negative consequences. We start the module discussing diet culture in general, which is incredibly toxic for women. We’ll then focus on the physical consequences of diets, which can be significant. And finally, we’ll end with the emotional damage that diets can cause.

Exiting Diet Culture

In module three, we’re going to cover how to quit dieting for good.  Woo-hoo! That might sound really difficult.  And I won’t lie to you: it can be. But you can do it! And we’re going to talk about how. In fact, we’ll talk about the specific steps to take to walk away from diets for good.


It’s time to change your relationship with food once and for all. Start by leaving diet culture in the dust.

Grab my FREE course today!