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I'm Kim (she/her/hers), and I'm an Emotional Eating Coach with a degree in Clinical Psychology. I'm also a Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist (Level 2 Trained), and am a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

And I'm on a mission: to create an army of womxn who never deny themselves the food they love, who treat themselves with the compassion and respect they deserve, and who value themselves and their bodies. And who never. Diet. Again.

You know what it's like. You have a love/hate relationship with food. It's been your best friend and your worst enemy. You know you're an emotional eater, but you have no idea what to do about it. The only solution out there that anyone talks about is dieting. Even your doctor tells you to diet. But you've already done that. So. Many. Times. And you hate it. You're tired of giving up your favorite foods, You know diets aren't helping, but you don't know what else to do.

And now you're hearing about the anti-diet movement, Intuitive Eating, and Healthy at Every Size (HAES), but those don't always seem to fit either.

There is so much noise out there, you have no clue what to do.


I Hear You.

And Iā€™m here to tell you that there is another way.

I've been working with womxn who struggle with emotional eating for over 20 years. And I gotta tell you, I've made a million mistakes. I'm not at all proud to say that I used to help womxn try to lose weight.  I completely bought into the "let's try to control your eating with such-and-such plan."  It breaks my heart to know that I gave my clients the same fatphobic, "weight = health," bullshit message that they were hearing everywhere else. And it never worked.  Because, of course, diets don't work long-term.  You cannot control your emotional eating with a diet.  In fact, control shouldn't even be the goal--freedom and flexibility with food should.  

So now, my work is all about helping you to get curious about all of the complexities of emotional eating, enjoy a flexible relationship with food, and learn how to sit with your emotions and manage them in a healthy, positive way.  I'm also passionate about respecting and valuing your body, leaning into your uniqueness as a person, and taking up space. 

I'm not here to bully you into my way of thinking, like diet culture does.  I'm here to help you heal your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.  

Join my army--we're pretty awesome. And we have cake...